Over 70 Years of Representing Farmers and Ranchers of the Klamath Project

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Tri-Counties send letter requesting full allocation for Klamath Project Irrigators


On April 5, 2024, Tri-Counties Commissioners and Supervisors of Klamath, Modoc, and Siskiyou Counties submitted a letter to Camille Touton, Commissioner of the US Bureau of Reclamation, requesting full allocation for Klamath Project Irrigators.

April 5, 2024
Camille Calimlim Touton
Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20240-001

Subject: Increase the Klamath Project Water Supply

Dear Commissioner Touton:

The counties of Klamath, Oregon, and Modoc and Siskiyou, California (Tri-Counties) are calling for the Bureau of Reclamation to immediately provide adequate Klamath Project water supply for 2024. Given this year’s favorable hydrology, the actions already taken to avoid flooding on the Klamath River, and the projections showing “excess” water this year, Reclamation must make every effort, and should be able, to provide full water supplies for farms and ranches of the Klamath Project.

After four consecutive years of delayed and inadequate deliveries, Reclamation needs to provide sufficient water to the farmers and ranchers who feed the region’s economy and the nation’s food supply.


Brandon A. Criss, Distirct 1, Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors
Michael N. Kobseff, District 3, Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors
Ned Coe, District I, Modoc County Board of Supervisors
Geri Byrne, District V, Modoc County Board of Supervisors
Derrick DeGroot, Klamath County Commissioner

cc: Congressman Doug LaMalfa, Congressman Cliff Bentz

An emailed copy was also sent to:

  • Karl Stock, Regional Director of the US Bureau of Reclamation
  • Matthew Stricker, Deputy Assistant Director of the Department of the Interior
  • Allen Heck, Area Manager of the US Bureau of Reclamation

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