Over 70 Years of Representing Farmers and Ranchers of the Klamath Project

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KWUA Meets with Oregon Legislators

Today, KWUA members and executive staff met with Oregon Legislators to discuss key water issues in the Klamath Basin, including the needs of local agriculture, challenges experienced in today’s water issues, and expected future conflicts.

“We are honored to host Senate President Wagner and Senator Bohnam along with Representatives Helm, Owen, McIntire, and Reschke today,” said KWUA President Tracey Liskey. “Legislators were deeply interested in learning about local water issues firsthand from producers who have their feet on Klamath Project soil daily.”

Over thirty Legislators will tour Klamath County businesses, organizations, and vital facilities this weekend as part of the Klamath Showcase. The visit showcases Klamath County while bridging gaps and finding common ground between local leaders and Oregon’s lawmakers. 

The Legislators are visiting from all over the state and include both parties. 

KWUA thanks Rep. Emily McIntire, Rep. E. Werner Reschke, and the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce for organizing this weekend’s events.

Cover image: On Friday, August 16, 2024, KWUA met with Oregon Legislators (Senate President Rob Wagner, Senator Daniel Bohnam, Rep. Ken Helm, Rep. Mark Owen, Rep. Emily McIntire, and Rep. E. Werner Reschke) to discuss key water issues of the Klamath Basin. (Image: KWUA)

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