Over 70 Years of Representing Farmers and Ranchers of the Klamath Project

12:42 pm, Feb 15, 2025
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Klamath Showcase Exceeds Expectations

KWUA was proud to participate in last weekend’s Klamath Showcase, which brought members of the Oregon Legislature from throughout the state to see and hear what makes Klamath County unique. 

KWUA Executive Director Paul Simmons expressed his appreciation, saying, “Congratulations and a job well done to Representatives Emily McIntire and Kevin Mannix; Scott Siracusa and the Running Y Resort; Heather Harter, Joe Spendolini, and the Klamath County Chamber of Commerce; the Klamath County Commissioners; and everyone else who contributed to a great event.”

Saturday morning was spent discussing opportunities as Simmons presented an overview of the Klamath Basin and the Klamath Project and its relationship with wildlife and refuges to the visiting Legislators.

“For us, this was not about a hard sell regarding water or our grievances about water management,” explained Simmons. “It was getting to know people and talking about what is possible, and they were all ears.”


Image: Paul Simmons

Modoc Nation representative Ken Sandusky led discussions in Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge. He and Klamath Drainage District’s Manager Scott White discussed water movement, recirculation, farming practices, and partnerships. 

Later in the morning, the group visited the Klamath Falls National Fish Hatchery, where U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service staff explained their sucker-rearing program and ongoing construction projects.

By noon, the group visited Liskey Farms, where they enjoyed an amazing lunch, including homemade pies, courtesy of Oregon Cattlewomen and Klamath County Cattlewomen.

Image: Paul Simmons

In addition to the Project and refuges, the Legislators visited Kingsley Field, Sky Lakes Medical Center, InteliFab, Crimson Rose, Oregon Tech, and more during their weekend.

According to Spendolini, about twenty Oregon Legislators from all over the state and both sides of the aisle attended the weekend event hosted at the Running Y Resort.


Cover Photo: Joe Spendolini

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